DMSC – IJS Mini Systems

The Detroit Metro Skating Council owns two IJS Mini-Systems used for judging element identification, and video review at IJS competitions. Both systems are available for rental by any USFSA skating club. If there is a conflict in a date requested by 2 skating clubs, the preference is going to DMSC Member Clubs. (membership has it’s privileges see the Calendar and Membership Page for membership criteria and forms)

A Technical Accountant selected from the DMSC list must be invited and present at the competition. Both systems are “Black Magic” mini systems built to USFSA standards. The “A” system is the first system and has an expanded list of Technical Accountants to choose from. The “B” system is the newer Black Magic system, with a more restricted list of Technical Accountants to choose from. Contact Calvin Carson ( for information and booking availability for both systems.

Links for the documents for rental and description of the 2 systems are below for download.

Rental Procedure

Rental Protocol

Rental Agreement

DMSC Approved Technical Accountants

Our A_System

Our “B” System